This is not on my list of New Year’s resolutions, however since it’s an election year, I’ve decided to make a conscious effort to be more informed.
They tell you not to talk about politics or religion at the dinner table for a number of reasons. And if you are in my family, then yes, things will get heated. We have a lot of Republicans in my family—come on, it is upstate New York. However, a few of us have broken the mold. But no matter what political affiliation we have, we all have an opinion and aren’t afraid to voice it.
I am a registered Democrat and have been since I turned 18. I have done my civic duty and voted for Gore, Kerry, and Obama. Third time’s a charm. I think I’m a pretty intelligent person and make good choices. And usually I do. Every election term, I vote Democrat, because that is what I do. And because I usually oppose whatever platform the Republican candidate is running on.
With the Iowa caucuses last night, I’ve decided that I need to be more up to speed in political and current news. With facebook, twitter, and other social media, I am pretty aware of the top headlines—at least the news that everyone makes fun of. However, I don’t really take the time (or just don’t have it) to go a bit deeper.
This year, that will change. I will make a bigger effort to read more. I will also make a bigger effort to watch the debates (I’m usually multi-tasking during them). I will continue to vote, but I want to be sure that I have all the info that I can get, and try to set an example for others. If you have something to say about any current issue—especially an opposing one, get your ass out there and vote or do something about it. Otherwise, I don’t want to hear it.
Don’t worry, I’ll pretty much guarantee Romney or Santorum will not be getting my vote November 6th. But it will be a very informed, well-thought out decision.
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