Of course, I’m trying to relax a bit, catch up on some sleep, and check off a couple more books off my classic list. But I also wanted to check something else off my list, and figured I’d either try surfing or paddle boarding on this vacation. I’ve been to the beach plenty of times over the last 29 years, but never attempted surfing. Boogie boarding, yes. Water skiing, yes. Kayaking, yes. But not surfing. I thought I’d put it on the list to attempt this year. But I also decided to make it a choice between that or paddle boarding. I wanted some type of new water sport since I love the water so much. I feel like paddle boarding is a relatively new thing. It isn’t. It’s just become popular in past years. I remember some dude stand-up paddle boarding in San Diego Bay last fall. It looked relatively easy, and I figured I’d have it as an option.
Luckily I’m visiting family on Nantucket who are in possession of every single piece of water sport equipment you could possibly need at the beach. Paddle boards (and surf boards) included. I decided to give paddle boarding a go yesterday after a day of reading Lolita. My Aunt Sally was giving me tips on what to do. She said that you needed good balance. I of course stated that I do have good balance. Ha.
Well good balance on the ground is different from good balance on the water. We got into the water, and paddled away from the crowds at Cisco beach, where I attempted to paddle board for the first time. Well stand-up paddle boarding to be specific. I’m really not sure if there’s a difference. I fell into the water many times. I did have a leash on, so no worries on losing the board. I just need to hold onto the paddle. I spent about an hour with my aunt out on the water going back and forth between Cisco and Miacomet Pond. At various points, I was just trying to get the hang of the water by kneeling on the board. Once I’d feel comfortable and didn’t see many big waves coming, I’d stand up and stay up for as long as possible paddling around. There was one point (unintentionally) that I was actually paddle-surfing. I soon fell off. I did start to get the hang of the balancing. I had to tell myself to not worry when any big waves came along. It was pretty fun and I’d like to go out again this week, but boy was I feeling it today in my arms.
I also enquired about a surfing lesson, so I may see about that over the next few days.
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