The reason I'm in the Netherlands is for the Amsterdam Marathon. I chose this race because it's a nice, flat and fast course. I figured I had to pick one less hilly than NYC, since my attempts to qualify the last couple of years didn't pan out. And going international would be pretty cool. And I've never been to The Netherlands.
Now the months leading up to race day were not optimal. Boston first change their standards. This happened a few months after I came up with my list. Instead of 3:40, I now had to get 3:35! Seriously? Ugh. So instead of the 8 minute PR I was aiming for, I had to PR by over 12 minutes. Not cool.
I didn't kick off my training as soon as I had wanted to either. However I had a base so no reason to be too concerned. However, I was traveling a lot for work over the summer and my runs weren't that great. I got them all in. But I was just exhausted from traveling and working. My body just wasn't cooperating.
I eventually settled down for a bit and lowered my expectations. At this point, I figured I'd at least try to PR. Whether it was by 5 seconds or 5 minutes I'd be happy. Well that isn't true. I'd still be disappointed, but at least I'd get over it faster.
And it was good! I didn't BQ, but I did PR and got an official time of 3:39:04. Pretty damn good if I say so myself. I felt pretty good the whole time. It was a bit chaotic at points and elbows were thrown, but no cause for concern.
I hit my target of 1:50 at the halfway point. And thought I could do this. I hoped to keep this pace up and actually go faster if I could. At one point I shaved off a lot of time and momentarily thought I could hit 3:35. Well closer to 3:36. However, I knew I wouldn't be able to go much faster and probably wasn't going to qualify. But I was ok with that.
So I kept running. Slowed down a bit at the end, but finally made it to the finish line. At first I thought possibly my watch wasn't working and I really didn't get 3:39. But it was fine. Now if Boston didn't change their times I'd be headed there in 2013. But yet again Boston eludes me. But no worries. I'll try again. And I'll do it. Eventually.
After I made myself presentable, I made my way out of Amsterdam. It was time to ride a hot air balloon! I took a train to Krommenie-Assendelft, where I got picked up by Marianne who drove me to the launch site in Alkmaar. We met Niels, our pilot, and another couple going with us.
Afterwards, we helped take down the balloon and celebrated with some champagne-a French tradition, where hot air balloon rides actually originated.
I got back to Amsterdam where I celebrated further my accomplishments of the day.
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