

Monday, December 30, 2013

psychic reading by donna

It took a while, but I finally went to a psychic a few months ago. I had thought about getting a tarot card reading done, but due to the cost, and since it was getting pretty late, I decided to just go with the 5 minute consult. I didn't want to pay a load of money to hear something that may or may not be true. 

14th street

I got to ask 2 questions with my $10. As a single woman living in NYC, I didn't want to ask the obvious. So I first asked if I'd always live in NYC. I got a long-winded response that didn't quite answer the question. The sum of it was, she could see me living here, but also somewhere else. So I'm guessing I'll come into some money and own that NYC apartment someday. And also a beach house somewhere near the ocean. Or maybe not. 

For my 2nd question, I decided to get a bit more personal and ask whether I'm going to have kids someday. I know I want them (and I know my parents want grandchildren--this has been broadcasted at several holiday gatherings), so figured this would be harmless. I got another vague response. Essentially she sees many children in my future, but only one would be my own. Looks like my only child will have several cousins (which seems obvious since I have 7 siblings). 

So essentially I think it's a load of crap. But it was somewhat entertaining. And who knows, it could come true. 

Monday, October 7, 2013

BQ baby

I can officially check off qualifying for Boston off my 30 Before 30 list! I had checked it off with a disclaimer back in 2011. Since Boston changed their qualifying standards after I came up my list (and after mentally preparing to get 3:40, not break 3:35), I counted it, but it didn't really count if you know what I mean. I ran a 3:39:04 in Amsterdam, which would have counted in 2010, but not in 2011.

Last year, I tried again, but failed. I know fail is a strong word, but I was disappointed. I didn't even PR, which was unfortunate given the much better training program I stuck to and almost ideal running conditions in Chicago. But again, Boston eluded me. 

I guess 5th time's a charm. After 2 New Yorks, 1 Amsterdam, and 1 Chicago, I had to essentially 'go home' to make it to Boston. After the terrible events in Boston back in April, I was going to give qualifying another chance, even though I had planned to take a year off to give myself a break and try again next year. One marathon that I kept hearing that had a good flat, fast course was the Wineglass Marathon in upstate New York, not far from where I grew up. Not only did it have a lot of Boston qualifiers, it had some good schwag. And what runner doesn't love their schwag? 

First stepsign up for Wineglass. Second steptrain. And train I did. I had a good solid base this past spring, but summer came and it was time to ramp it up. Earlier in the year, I joined a local running team, Central Park Track Club. These runners are amazing. Some are faster than I'll ever dream of and I'm fortunate to be on the same team as them. And it was a shoo-in since my sisters were already on the team. 

My plan was to do my typical marathon training plan, but try to incorporate as many of the team track and tempo workouts that I could. If I could make it to one workout a week, I thought that would be a great start. I felt the track workout was the more important workout to get to, since it was more complicated to do logistically. I could do the tempos on my own, but running with the team would be ideal. I think those track workouts made me faster and I'm happy for my teammates who pushed me without even realizing it. I just tried to keep up with all those speedy people. 

I built up my mileage, ran the track, did tempos around the bridle path, and got some key races in this summer/fall, including a 5k and 1/2 marathon PR. All good setup for a marathon PR. 

Until this past Thursday night. I was in full taper mode and trying to relax the days leading up the marathon (in the midst of client needs). But no, my body had other things on its mind. Instead of sleeping through the night, I woke up repeatedly and actually got sick. Not cool. Friday I felt like total crap. I wore my company's oversized fleece all day since I had the chills (and it was in the 80s outside), and dealt with a lingering headache. Exactly what you want to deal with 2 days before running a marathon. Oh and add a weather forecast of showers/thunderstorms and 93% humidity. Not in the plan. Not even a little bit. 

After hydrating and carbo-loading on Saturday (and one last easy run in the Statelands), there was nothing more to do. Fortunately, I woke up Sunday morning feeling much better. I was glad to feel like my normal self and tried to not let the overcast and warmer than normal October, 63 degree weather discourage me. Although, I did hope that the storms would stay away. 

Everyone knows that I ran to BQ, but what was my real goal. Up to 3 weeks ago, it was to break 3:35. But then I PR'd at the RNR Philly 1/2 marathon by almost 3 minutes, which gave me a time of 1:40:22. Putting that into a race predictor, it put my marathon time at 3:30. Now what to do? Be conservative and aim for my original goal of breaking 3:35 or screw it and see if I can do 3:30? I spent last week analyzing my previous marathon times and assessing if 3:30 was realistic. I decided it was and wanted to go for it. By the way, 3:30 would have been a PR of 9 minutes, which did seem ambitious. 

Of course, given the weather, I mentally adjusted my goal slightly. Which meant I was still shooting for 3:30, but I would be ok if I was a minute or 2 off. Although, I did not want to be off by 5 minutes. At the start I inserted myself between the 3:25 and 3:35 pace groups. I wanted to stay behind one and in front of the other. 

Before getting into my actual race, I wanted to give a topline review of the course. The race started in Bath and finished in Corning. I ran on country roads and through small towns. A hill here and there were thrown in, but there were some decent downhills. It was overcast and a bit foggy, which looked cool with the fall foliage peeping through. Even though blue skies would have been prettier. But I didn't want the sun to come out. At least not until the afternoon. 

Since it's a small race (2500 registrants and 1682 finishers), and went small towns, there wasn't an overwhelming number of spectators. You got to see the same cheerers over and over, and I'm happy to say my dad and brother were among them. My sisters were waiting for me further along on the course. Some of my favorite scenes (besides the cows), were the couples who pulled up their chairs at the end of their driveway to watch and a practically naked toddler who tried to run onto the course somewhere in the middle of nowhere. I liked it since it reminded me of home, but without the Finger Lake hills and valleys. 

Back to the running part of the race. Sporting my CPTC orange, I started out on the downhill and began my 26.2 mile journey. My first mile clocked in around 8:04. Slightly faster than I wanted, but not terrible. Now I don't have a Garmin, so my times are totally what I remember with my foggy marathon brain and what my results tell me. After this, I was ranging around the 8:10-8:15 range. Which I was good with and wanted to maintain at least until the halfway point. I focused and completed the first 10 miles with no issue. Except for the 3:35 pacer who kept talking about his Lasik surgery that was happening the next day. After I got caught in the pace group for a bit and them sneaking up on me a couple of times, I finally got rid of them for good. I just can't remember at what mile, but it was relatively early on so they didn't bother me too much longer. I caught up to a few other women running, who soon realized they were going way faster than their goal. I lost them at a certain point and kept focusing on ahead. I saw my dad and Levi at two points in the first half, where my brother got a few good action shots and gave me a constant energy. 

After I saw them at mile 10, I focused on the next 10 miles, where I knew I'd see my sisters after the halfway point. However, after I didn't see them at miles 13, 14, and 15, I assumed they must have been delayed (didn't think this happened) or got lost somewhere between Corning and where I was running. Turns out the latter was the case. Not surprised since it's pretty rural. When Alysia joined me between miles 15 and 16, she gave me a quick update and mentioned that everyone told them they were running the wrong way. Ambreleah then joined us at around mile 17 (I think it was here but can't remember). At this point, my pace went down and I was running in the 7:50 range. I couldn't do math at this point, but I was informed by the twin's Garmins. 

I got to mile 20 (which isn't too memorable, but I know I made it) and focused on the last 10k of the race. I was still feeling good and wanted to get to mile 21, where I heard there was a steady decline to the finish. They didn't tell me there would be one last hill included for good measure. But I felt strong and passed by the folks walking up the hill. I kept moving along and picking people off. I focused on one runner (or 2) ahead of me and closed the gap. I kept at it. I focused on each mile and continued to do math in my head to assess finish times. That .2 always throws me off though and my estimation is always faster than it should be. I had a few miles to go and powered through with thoughts on Boston, running it in 2015 and all those affected by the bombing. I counted to 100 (my MO) many times. Too many to count. I did get a pleasant surprise when a group of strangers called out my name around mile 25. The twins had run ahead to take pics and inform these nice spectators of my impending arrival. 

Closing in on a BQ.

I finally turned onto Market Street and passed mile 26. I saw my family cheering me on and with one last burst of energy, ran through the finish line. I was tired. But a good tired. I was so happy I accomplished my goal. I felt strong for the entire race, even though that last mile was a little tougher than the rest (mile 25 always sucks). I was given my hand-pressed glass medal. I downed some chocolate milk, and collected beverages to last me a week. Once the fam found me, we took some photos, and made our way to Market Street Brewing Co. to celebrate and replenish with more fluids (aka beer sampler). I celebrated further last night after I got back to NYC and drank my New York champagne out of my new wine glass as I relaxed on the couch. Yummy. Like I said, good schwag. 

Today, I'm feeling a bit sore. Throughout the day, I've been rolling my quads and slowly walking around the office. But it hasn't been terrible. Each marathon I run, it gets a little easier to recover. Or maybe I won't be able to get out of bed tomorrow morning. We'll see. 

I have decided to take next year off from the marathon and focus on smaller races. I'll register for Boston next September and finally run in 2015! 

My support crew.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

books (2013 part 2)

Well it's been a while since I blogged about the books I've read. And I've read a bunch of books of them. Some good, some not so good. Instead of highlighting every one of them, I'm going to give a top level review of some of my favorites. 

Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple
This was a good easy book to get through. The novel is put together by Bernadette's daughter Bee with emails, letters, and other correspondence in order to find her mom, who has disappeared. Bernadette is slightly eccentric and actually has an assistant in India that does all her everyday errands, but she is her best friend and is determined to find her, no matter where she is. It's a cute story and a quick read. 

World Without End by Ken Follett
This is the follow up to The Pillars of the Earth, which I really enjoyed reading. The setting is the same town as before, Kingsbridge, but two centuries after the cathedral was completed. You get to know some of the descendants of the characters from the first book and one character I really like and admired was Caris. She goes through a lot and to be honest some of the crap she has to deal with pissed me off from a gender equality standpoint. Even though it would make me frustrated on her behalf, I still enjoyed the book and am looking forward to reading other books by the same other. Next up is Fall of Giants

Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight
This was a book club recommendation and a page turner. Kate's daughter has committed suicide and after getting a text saying that Amelia didn't jump, Kate is determined to find out what happened to her. She goes through texts, emails, and social media to get to the bottom of Amelia's life and what happened at the end of it. 

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
This was a really great book from Death's point of view about a young girl, Leisel, who becomes the book thief outside of Munich, as the Nazi regime is building momentum and enters World War II. She builds relationships with her foster parents, her father in particular, a neighborhood boy, and a Jewish man that's hidden in their basement. This was the 1st of 3 books that I read about WWII and I highly recommend it. 

The Shining Girls by Lauren Beukes
This was another page turner about a woman, Kirby, who survives a serial killer attack. Harper has been traveling through time and murdering women and doesn't even realize that Kirby has pulled through and is now determined to find him. 

Caleb's Crossing by Geraldine Brooks
This is a fictional account of the first Native American that graduated from Harvard. Bethia befriends Caleb on Martha's Vineyard in the 1660s and you see how their friendship takes them from the island off of Cape Cod to Boston. I thought it was a very interesting historical portrayal of early American history. 

Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience and Redemption by Lauren Hillenbrand
This was a great nonfiction story about Louis Zamperini. You learn about his childhood and what brought him to the 1936 Olympics in Berlin, where he raced the 5,000m. And then what happens after the Olympics, when he enlisted in the Air Force during World War II. What happens after is so interesting and heart-breaking, especially knowing that he could have gone after the elusive 4-minute mile. As a runner and a person, I highly recommend this book. 

There were a few others that I thought were interesting and would love to have a discussion about, but had to limit this blog post to some degree. 

In the upcoming months, I'm going to try to be better about my book updates, especially as I have some good ones on the to read list. 

26/45 books in 2013.

Sunday, September 8, 2013


Summer is over. Not officially, but since it's after Labor Day, it does feel like it. Not sure where it went. It flew by so fast and clearly I was too busy to even blog (my last one was about the trip I took last spring, where I returned on Memorial Day). So what did I do this summer? 

I went to Yankees games (and Mets, SU football, and the US Open). I golfed, bowled, and played kickball. I went to the Jazz Age Festival, showers and a wedding. I celebrated birthdays and hung out with friends. I went upstate a lot to see family and hung out in Nantucket to see even more family. I went to a few concerts. And I worked. But you know, I don't want to chat about that so much. 

JT and Jay-Z concert. 

UR reunion with the girls. 



And of course I ran. I ran a lot. The Wineglass Marathon is in exactly 4 weeks. Actually I'll be long done with the race and hopefully celebrating a sub-3:35. My training has gone well and yesterday I ran my 2nd 20-miler. And it felt good. As much as a 20-miler can feel. I've got a lot of speed workouts in with the team, but need to get a few more tempo runs in the next couple of weeks before I start tapering. Like the last 4 marathons, I want to qualify to run the Boston Marathon. Even more this year due to the bombing back in April. That is the reason why I signed up to run a marathon this year. Unfortunately, registration for Boston opens tomorrow and will most likely be completely sold out before I even race. So I've started to accept the fact that I may not be running it next year. I will be cheering pretty damn loud though. When I qualify next month, hopefully I have a good chance to run in 2015. 

Catharine Valley Half Marathon.

Thats summer in a nutshell. This fall should bring on some more blogging. 

Monday, June 17, 2013

oregon (and the northwest)

It's been a while! I've been totally slacking on my blog. I was out of town every single weekend in May and now all of a sudden it's June. It's going to be December before I know it. For a good part of May I was exploring the Northwest. I've been wanting to go to Portland, Seattle and Vancouver for a few years now and I finally planned a trip with a friend. We went under the premise to run the Portland half marathon but of course wanted to road trip and explore. 

old dirty bastard.
It was a lot of fun and jam-packed with activities. In Portland, we hung out at Powell's, chatted with Kara Goucher (an Olympian in case you don't run), ran a half marathon, saw Andy Grammar in concert and hung out with my cousins. On our way out of town, we hit up Voodoo Doughnut before we hiked to Mirror Lake and Tamanawas Falls on Mt. Hood. I couldn't quite finish the Old Dirty Bastard doughnut (oreos and peanut butter) that morning but after a couple of hikes, it eventually disappeared. 

mt. hood.
We had such a gorgeous day, and we were able to fully enjoy the scenery. Even driving around the mountain was really nice, admiring the views. After hiking about 7 miles, we had had to get some sustenance and stopped at The Gorge White House for some food, and wine and beer tastings. It was very hard to drag ourselves away, but we had to make our way into Washington to get to Vancouver. 

granville island brewery.
The first day in Vancouver was pretty rainy, so we walked around a bit, but mostly ate and drank. We hit up Granville Island Brewery and Yaletown Brewing Company. Even though it was rainy, we could tell the views were pretty amazing. The next day we worked off the beer by running in Stanley Park and doing the Stawamus Chief hike near Squamish. After a very active day, we  hung out in what turns out to be my favorite neighborhood in VancouverGastown, where we had drinks and dinnerSalt and Rodney's Oyster House. Both very yummy. 

stawamus chief hike.

After a couple of days, we made our way to Seattlevery slowly. We hit up the original Lululemon store, made some stops to check out where Once Upon a Time is filmed (instead saw a Godzilla), and back in America, hit up the Lululemon outlet. We weren't in any rush, but fortunately we took our time since we avoided going into the Skagit River when the I-5 bridge collapsed in Mt. Vernon, WA. We missed it by an hour. Thankfully those who went in survived, but all the locals were on edge and we could only sympathize with them. 

After all that drama, we made our way to Seattle with no issues. I was excited to be in Washington, since that is where my parents got married and had me. I'm the only one in my immediate family not born in NYS, which is kind of cool and different. Except I don't remember a thing about it. I wanted to go see the town I was born in, but we didn't really have the time. On my next trip for sure. 

space needle & chihuly glass.
We spent the next couple of days sightseeing in SeattlePike Place, Olympic Sculpture Park, the Space Needle, the Chihuly Exhibit, a Mariners game, and the Comet Tavern. It was a nice mix of seeing the city, sports, music, and wandering around. 

mariners vs rangers.
The trip overall was a lot of fun, but there were still things I wanted to do and see in all the places. But I know I'll go back again. And I got to check off one more state and one more ballpark! 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

south carolina

A week ago I got back from visiting my 26th stateSouth Carolina. Work was a little crazy in March and I hadn't left NYC in over 3 months, so was itching for a long weekend away. I was deliberating on where to go when a friend at work suggested the Charleston area. I figured it wouldn't be quite beach weather, but would be hopefully warmer than NYC. I just wanted a few days on my own, near the water, with drinks and a masseuse very accessible. I landed on Wild Dunes, about 20 minutes outside Charleston. 

southern sunset.

It was a very relaxing weekend. I pretty much hung outside as much as possible, whether I was reading and having a drink by the pool, or taking photos on my beach walks. I finished The Great Gatsby, did my long run (and some shorter ones), ate some good seafood, and got a little sun. It was quite nice (and I'm wishing I was back there as I write this). 

beach time.

On my last day, I spent the day walking around the lovely Charleston. I ate at Hyman's, walked through Charleston Place, and got some nice views of Battery Park and Rainbow Row. It was a nice quick trip away. Although when I checked my blackberry after I got home, I kind of wish it was a longer trip. I'd like to return and explore more of South Carolina, or even try to get to one of its neighbors North Carolina or Georgia soon. 

rainbow row.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

we are runners

I woke up this morning and I had a lingering remnant of a bad dream. In my sleepy haze, people had gotten hurt and it had something to do with running. As I started to wake up, I came to the realization that it wasn't a dream.

After I checked my phone for updates, I put on my 2010 NYC marathon shirt and went running. I ran for Boston. I ran because I can. I ran because that is what runners do. 

I know that my solitary thoughts this morning were shared with the other runners in Central Park. We were all thinking of our families, our friends, and the residents of Boston. We were thinking of the 8-year old boy that lost his life. We were thinking of those that were injured. 

We were also thinking of all the good people out there. Those that ran to the explosion to help. The first responders who appeared immediately to take control of the situation. The people who've opened up their homes for displaced runners and friends. The communities around the country supporting Boston. 

Every time I see Boston Marathon Bombings in the media, I get a little teary-eyed. Then I get a little angry. How does something like this happen? How does an event where people of all races, genders, ages, and religions are pushing themselves physically, raising funds for various charities, and celebrating Boston and the American spirit end on such a tragic note? I was watching a live stream of Shalane and Kara battling for an American win. I was tracking my friends. I was waiting to hear all about the finishes. 

And then tragedy struck. I should have seen pictures of runners wrapped in foil with their medals, celebrating with their friends and family. I should not have seen a video of the bomb going off and pictures of spilled blood near the finish line. 

Over the last 24 hours, I've been emotional. I've tried hard to not break down. This was personal. My teammates and friends were there running and spectating. I was there in 2009 and 2011 with my family to watch my sisters run. Qualifying and running the Boston Marathon is one of my biggest running aspirations. I'm shocked, dismayed, sad, and angry. But runners are the strongest people I know. Everyone has dealt with their own personal tragedies and this horrific event is like any other senseless act. We will come out on top, all with the support of our spectators. Good people do outnumber the bad people. 

I will be in Boston next year. 

We will keep running and cheering. 

If you are losing faith in human nature, go out and watch a marathon’ - Kathrine Switzer

Friday, March 8, 2013

the opera

Last weekend I went to the opera, my first time ever. My friend Donna got me a ticket to see Parsifal at The Metropolitan Opera in Lincoln Center. Since I had the afternoon free, I decided why not. Even though it was over 5 1/2 hours long. Yikes. Given the lack of sleep, I was afraid of falling asleep during one of the three acts. Fortunately I didn't nod off on any of my neighbors.

I really want to give a synopsis of the story, but I feel like I wouldn't do it justice or even get it right. It takes place in Spain. There's a boy that makes bad decisions, who grows older and becomes wiser. There's a king and the holy grail. Women are seducing men. There are knights and people in disguise. If you want to read more: go here.
The opera was sung in German, which I don't understand at all. Unless you count guttentag. They did have subtitles, which I didn't realize right away. I was conflicted on whether I should put them on or not. I decided no. I wanted to listen and watch, not read. Although, I'm sure I would have gotten more of the story if I read them. But you know, they didn't have subtitles back in the day. Maybe I'll read them next time.
the met.
I would go again, maybe see something a bit more well-known, like Phantom. But it's pricey to go to the opera, so it's definitely a once in a long-time thing. Plus, I don't feel old or fancy enough to go on a regular basis.

pretty lights.

Lincoln Center is really beautiful though. It was nice to go again. I admired the space inside and out. So far, I've gone to the ballet and opera at Lincoln Center. Next up is the Philharmonic Orchestra. Maybe next year. Then I'll be officially cultured.
lincoln center.


Monday, February 25, 2013

books (2013 part 1)

I've totally been slacking and haven't blogged in almost 2 months. Whoops.
I'm kicking off 2013 with a similar reading goal as last year. This year my goal is to read 45 books. Last year I had read a total of 42, with a few very long books thrown in there. My goal is only 3 more than last year, but I do need be realistic. Especially since there are a few lengthy ones I want to read. You may have noticed I haven't provided a book update until now. I'm not going to the monthly update like I did last year. It was kind of fun to do, but also got a bit stressful. Intermittently throughout the year, I'll provide an update on notable books I've read. I won't write about every single book, but only the ones that I feel the need to write about. You can always follow me on goodreads.com to see all the books I'm reading and how I rate them. 
Although I did write about all the books so far. I had something to say about them all I guess.
The Time Machine by H. G. Wells
This was the first book I finished this year. I have a few H. G. Wells books on my kindle and figured I should read one of them. The author is into sci-fi and many of his books were turned into blockbuster movies, some of which I've seen. Of course the main character is trying to make his friends believe that he has time traveled. The whole concept of time travel has always been interesting and it was nice to read the book that inspired the idea of the time machine. Although I'm glad the book was as short as it was. I was expecting it to be more exciting. On a related note, I was watching Back to the Future recently and do wish I could selectively go back in time (or even the future) to see certain things (without interfering of course), like the 70s or 20s. Or even when NYC was not a city at all.
One Breath Away by Heather Gudenkauf
An unknown man walks into a school with a gun and the town waits anxiously for the outcome. Unfortunately there is also a snowstorm preventing assistance to and from the school.. It doesn't help the small town is far away from most things. The reader gets various view points from parents, cops, teachers and students to tell the story. There are a few suspects as to who the gunman is, but I was slightly shocked when I found out. I did think it was a bit of a stretch, but people get unhinged for a lot of different things. This was a quick read and I did enjoy reading it.
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
Malcolm Gladwell's 2nd book was as interesting as his first. He discusses the theory on how people or things become outliers. There are many successful people out there and there are certain things that are happening around the time they lived or the circumstances that had, that helped them become successful. For example, professional Canadian ice hockey players were lucky to be born during a certain time of year. They end up being the older and bigger kids, and therefore are groomed to be the best players. The whole idea is very interesting and Gladwell creates a strong argument as to how this works. Unfortunately, I need to get going on my 10,000 hours in order to be an expert at something. Whatever that may be.
Just Kids by Patti Smith
This was a memoir by Patti Smith, about her life in New York City and relationship with Robert Mapplethorpe. I'm not too familiar with Patti Smith and her music (although it's highly likely that I've heard her music without realizing it), but it was a really interesting read. I'm always a fan of reading about people living in NYC in different time periods. She knew so many people that either were famous or became famous at some point. It was. I would recommend this to anyone that is a fan of either Patti Smith or Robert Mapplethorpe.
These Things Hidden by Heather Gudenkauf
I read another Heather Gudenkauf book, shortly after the last one. Allison is the perfect girl in high school--great athlete, perfect grades, pretty and popular. And then she commits a crime so terrible, that she is shunned by all who knew her. Years later, when she is out on parole, she tried to reconnect with her sister and you learn more about the circumstances of her crime. Like her last book, this also rotates from various character's point of view, so you learn a little bit more each time you switch characters. This was a good read. Quick and easy, but a page-turner.
Days of Blood and Starlight by Laini Taylor
In the sequel to The Daughter of Smoke and Bone, the story picks up after the seraphim have destroyed the chimaera. However Karou, one of the few remaining chimaera, is on a mission to avenge her people and fight against her true love. This actually took me about a day to read, even though it was somewhat lengthy. I do recommend reading the trilogy so far. Even though the last book in the series doesn't come out until next year sometime.
Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn
Another disturbing book by Gillian Flynn, although it was hard to put down. Camille is asked to return to her small town to cover the story of a girl that has gone missing, the 2nd time this has happened. She has some issues of her own, which is apparent in the self-mutilation of her body. You learn that her family isn't very functional, especially her sister and mother. Of course, Camille is still dealing with the death of another sister from years previous. On top of this, she's trying to write an article about the missing girls. I don't want to ruin it, but it's definitely messed up and worth a read.
The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling
I had heard mixed reviews for this book. I thought the Harry Potter series was amazing. Way better than many series. I had slight withdrawal after re-reading them for the the 3rd when the movies came out. I know. It was hard. So of course I wanted to give this one a chance. I went into it, knowing that I can't reference Harry Potter at all. And it worked to some degree. In a small town in England, a councilman dies, and competing views over the "Fields", a local council estate, on whether it should stay within the town limits or be taken over by the nearby city of Yarvil. Barry's death impacts many townspeople and a range of themes, from drugs to rape and prostitution, adultery and class, and of course politics. It took me a little while to get into the book, but after a while, I did enjoy reading it as the characters developed and all the townspeople secrets came out.

Sweet Valley Confidential by Francine Pascal
I read practically every Sweet Valley High, Sweet Valley University and even Sweet Valley Kids when I was a pre-teen, so I had to read this as an adult. And yes, it was terribly written. I got sucked into the drama of the lives of Elizabeth and Jessica as 27-year olds. Like I said, the writing isn't great, but it had some good nostalgia. The characters I grew up with, have changed since high school.It was kind of amazing (not sure if this is a good or bad amazing) how close they are all still. And the drama. My goodness, I don't think as much drama occurs anywhere else, except in the TV series Beverly Hills, 90210 and Gossip Girl. It was a quick read and I'm glad I read it, but I probably won't be reading any more of these.
Onto the next set of books!

9/45 books in 2013.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

december book update

2012 is over and I read a total of 42 books. I recently read an article (which I can’t find) that said that Americans read on average 6 books a year. Six! I really hope that average goes up in upcoming years, but in the meantime, I’ll help raise that average.

Broken Harbor by Tana French
Another Dublin crime squad thriller. I am a fan of these. This book was obviously meant to wrap up November, which I dubbed thriller month. Detective Kennedy is out to solve the murder of almost an entire family in an abandoned half-built housing development in the outskirts of Dublin. The mother is the sole survivor and in intensive care. The evidence isn’t quite lining up and Kennedy is also dealing with his sister who is ‘off the rails’. In combination with the location of the murders and his family issues, long ago memories of one particular family vacation in Broken Harbor come to the surface.

We Need to Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver
I could go on and on about this book. The timing of when I read this, devastatingly, aligned with another school shooting in Connecticut on December 14th. In the book, Eva is writing letters to her estranged husband on what it was like to raise a son who ends up on a killing spree at his high school. Two years after the rampage, Eva is trying to explain to her husband how unlovable Kevin was as a baby and child, and now as a teenaged convicted felon.

This book, along with the events of the numerous school shootings around the country in the last 20 years, have spawned many debates—most prominently, gun control. I think there needs to be more focused attention on mental health and the media coverage. Yes, gun control needs to be way more limited. There are a lot of unnecessary weapons in this country. Honestly, who the hell needs an automatic weapon? There are also many kids (and adults) dealing with mental illness that aren’t getting the proper attention. And that needs to change. I recently heard on the radio that Lady Gaga has set up counseling for concert-goers. Which I think is a great move and I really hope many follow suit. Like I said I could go on about this, but this books give an interesting perspective on the unfortunate high number of mass killings out there.

The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides
The Marriage Plot centers on Madeleine and the 2 main boys in her life during her time at Brown and after. Mitchell is a friend of hers from throughout college that’s been in love with her the entire time. His love goes unrequited and Madeleine eventually falls in love with Leonard and follows him to Cape Cod after graduation. But not before he has a breakdown due to his manic depression. Mitchell on the other hand backpacks throughout Europe and India to forget about Madeleine. The year of ups and downs for this love triangle was told very well and I do recommend this book.

Ten Girls to Watch by Charity Shumway
This book was a switch from the last one, even though the main characters were around the same age. Dawn who is one year out of college, is living in NYC and trying to get a job as a writer, unsuccessfully. However, after a year of temping she falls into a researcher job for a magazine to track down their Ten Girls to Watch from the last 50 years. She is also having trouble in love. But what 23 year old isn’t? Of course there is an attraction to a 30 year old, which was a little annoying from my 31 year old self. Of course a 30 year old guy would be interested in a 23 year old. The book was a quick read and if you are looking for something light and easy, this does the trick. Parts of it I liked since I could relate to my early years in NYC. Most of the book was predictable though—like most romantic comedies.

So I wrote about all the books I read this year. It was fun, but also stressful. I decided for this year I will only write about those books that I really really like. And if anyone is interested in any books I read, be my friend on goodreads.com.

42/30 books in 2012.

Lastly, to recap, I read most of the books I initially had on my short list.

-       The Marriage Plot by Jeffrey Eugenides
-       The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell
-       The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank
-       The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet
-       Anthem by Ayn Rand
-       1984 by George Orwell

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2012 in review

2012 has come and gone already. As with birthdays, every New Year’s Day, I’m amazed with the quickness of the last 12 months. I guess it’s true—when you get older, time goes that much faster.

Exactly a year ago I decided to do a sequel to my 30 Before 30 list and do 12 things in 2012. I didn’t quite cross everything off. It shouldn’t have been a problem since it was only 12 things versus 30 (and I had an extra month), but the year got away from me. The good thing is, I can keep checking them off—even if it’s in 2013 (or 2014, but hopefully it doesn’t take me that long).

See a quick snapshot of how the list went below. I technically only checked off half the items, but with #12 not too far from being done. Honestly I could have checked off some of the items off in the last week or so, but I was enjoying a week of laziness from work. So I didn’t get too far.

  1. Go to 3 new states (27 left to go) and do something ‘local’ there (4/3)
  2. Get a tarot card reading
  3. Go to a music festival
  4. Go on a blind date
  5. Do a trivia night
  6. Go to Atlantic City
  7. Go to a spring training game
  8. Take a cooking class
  9. Go to the ballet
  10. Go zip lining
  11. Take a NYC bus tour
  12. Send out 12 handwritten notes (8/12)
To recap 2012, I read 42 books, only traveled domestically and have now checked off 25 states, attempted to Boston Qualify yet again, started volunteering on a regular basis, went to the ballet (twice), ran the Philly ½ for the 6th year in a row, and spent time with my great friends and family.

In 2013, I want to finish my 12 in 2012 list, try to read 45 books (I know, I’m a nerd), visit more states (a visit to Oregon is in the works), go to a new country, complete my 30 Before 30 scrapbook, start (probably not finish) a knitting project, complete some sort of running goal (not sure what yet thought),  and raise my credit score, amongst other things.