

Saturday, November 10, 2012

bachelorette flash mob

Last year, I checked off flash mob from my 30 list. But it wasn’t quite what I expected. You know, like in Friends with Benefits with JT. That’s the kind of flash mob I was looking for. My friend Sandra and I have been looking for another one ever since. We found a website—Flash Mob America—where they list flash mobs around the country. A bunch are in NYC, but over the last several months we either couldn’t do it or it was cancelled.

Not today! So the plan was to do a choreographed dance to Sir Mix-a-lot’s Baby Got Back. Yup, you read that right. The Grammy Award-winning single. Now I’m going to be straight up, I’m not good at choreographed dance. I mean, I can pretend, but I'm not necessarily doing it to a beat.


So we practiced. A little bit this morning in my living room and then at the studio in Midtown. Eventually I got the hang of it, but still found myself slightly off beat and messing up some of the transitions. But overall, I deemed myself at least acceptable to dance with a large group of people. Sandra on the other hand got the hang out of it really quick. So I just tried to copy her.

The flash mob was a surprise for a bachelorette and took place in Central Park’s Bethesda Fountain. As with a typical flash mob we watched it start, looking perplexed, and then of course jumped in to join them. I got most of the moves down and we were successful in surprising the bachelorette. We also had quite an audience since there were a number of people hanging in the park. Overall, a blast. Now, time to find another one!
Right before I joined.

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