I finally finished the 2nd book on my classic list! I bought a kindle a couple of months ago and downloaded a bunch of free books. I figured I could get a bunch of classics downloaded and read them throughout the year. Well since it was organized by alphabetical order, Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy was at the top of the list. That may or may not have been a good idea. I started reading it a few days before I went to London back at the beginning of March. Now I was quite busy during my month in England, but read pretty steadily. Since I was on the kindle, the length of the book was very deceiving. I tried googling it but it didn’t specify the number of pages. Well I found myself in a bookstore in Camden Town and found the actual book. Well it’s more than 800 pages! No matter it took me so damn long. I did have to take a break once I got to part 6, but picked it back up a week later when I finished I Don’t Know How She Does It by Allison Pearson.
The book was long. Longer than it needed to be. There were parts I liked, and other parts that kind of dragged on. Some parts were sad, and the ending wasn’t quite what I expected. Some people really like the book, others not so much. It was good, but I was glad I didn’t have to write a paper on it for English class.
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