My blog is evolving slightly. More and more about various experiences and what not. As you know, I’m in London for the rest of the month. Besides getting familiar with the pubs, the running paths in the various parks, and the British English language, I’ve been learning on how to get myself around London . And, as a resident of NYC for almost 6 years, I’m pretty familiar with public transport. But, boy was this past week taking London transport not ideal. Who would have though I’d miss my beloved 7 train?
The last time I took a bus on a consistent basis was when I first moved to NYC. I took the Q46 to the E, and then took the 6 downtown to Murray Hill. I definitely don’t miss the bus. For a number of reasons. So riding the bus every day to work is not what I exactly want to do.

I will tell you a bit more about 2 of my mornings experiencing London transport. Both of them this week. Monday morning I make my way to the bus stop. The little electronic timetable says we have two minutes until the 29 shows up. Score! Except it just rolls on by. And so did the next one. The 243 also comes by, but this one doesn’t take me to the office. But doesn’t matter since that doesn’t stop either. Well after abut 20 minutes of no stopping by either bus, I decide I’ll just get on the next bus that’ll stop. As long as I can get closer to London center. So yeah, Buses 29 and 243 just keep driving by. Awesome. Now anyone who deals with public transport is most likely having an internal dilemma. Do I find an alternate route or should I wait (because you know the next one will be the one to take you to your destination). Well I decide to wait. The 243 finally stops (after 30 minutes of waiting). This means I have to get off at Camden Road and get on the tube there. I had no option but to get on the Northern line and hope that takes me close to the office. And luckily it did. About an hour later, I finally get to the office. Yay.
Now Wednesday was just as fun, but definitely not as time-consuming. I walk out the apt and notice there seems to be a lot of traffic on Camden Road . Well I automatically think it must be because I was getting a late start. Now my late start was leaving at 8:20am to get to the office by 9am. So not really late if you know what I mean. I should’ve known something was up. The 29 shows up pretty quickly. I get on the bus, scan my Oyster card and find a spot to read my Kindle. I think we go 10 feet and suddenly there’s an announcement that there’s traffic/an accident ahead. Perfect. I don’t move immediately. I want to see if it’s worth it to wait. I overhear a girl spout off directions to the tube. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t the Camden Town stop. I got onto Google maps and sure enough there was a tube stop not too far away, about ½ mile. So I decide to go find it. With my trusty Blackberry and google Maps app, I was on my way. Now I haven’t given up my NYC walk (super fast—and try to keep up with me, I dare you) and It’s even more apparent when I’m running late. I made my way to the tube, got on a super crowded Picadilly line and got to the office in record time. Sweating. And a little flustered.
Today was also interesting. I walked around London a lot, and towards the end of the day, I make my way from Trafalgar Square back home. Obviously it’s crowded in this particular area since it’s a touristy spot. But also, it was a Saturday AND the weather was gorgeous today. Of course everyone was out and about. Now I don’t know if this is normal or maybe it was a fluke, but I pretty much had to elbow my way to get to the tube entrance to scan my card. Way too many people for my liking. And of course, I was THAT person who had to turn around since my Oyster card wasn’t working. I bought a weekly pass last weekend that should’ve have worked until tomorrow. I’m convinced the London Transport just stole money from me. I get on the Northern line and make it to Camden Town. Where I then had to elbow my way onto the bus. Argh. I'm usually outspoken on the any MTA transport if people aren't moving when there's space. Come one people, subway etiquette? I've been quiet here since I don't want to be the rude American. But not today. I spoke up. And of course no one moved, so I did.
It can only get better and still can’t be worse then being underground in NYC on a subway with no air-conditioning in the middle of July. At least not yet….
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