It’s been one week since …
Don’t worry, I’m not breaking out in a 90s hit song… yet…I'll wait until Saturday night...
I turned 30. 30. Yes, I am now 30. Ok, it’s slowly sinking in. For you 29-year olds out there, it’s actually not so bad. I survived. So far.
Don’t worry, I’m not breaking out in a 90s hit song… yet…I'll wait until Saturday night...
I turned 30. 30. Yes, I am now 30. Ok, it’s slowly sinking in. For you 29-year olds out there, it’s actually not so bad. I survived. So far.
Am one year wiser? I would definitely say yes. Am I going to start acting 30? Hell no. The last year of my 20s was definitely a memorable year. In more than ways than one. Given all that has happened this year, I’m sooo glad I did a 30 Before 30 list.
Some were scary, some rewarding, others just needed to get done. I have been fortunate to travel a lot this year, see many new things and meet a lot of great people.
To sum it up:
I ran my fastest marathon to date. And did a mud run and placed in a 5k race. 3rd out of all women.
I finally paid off all my credit cards and framed photos (been trying to do both since college).
I expanded my reading pool (but please no more Russian novels ) and finally completed a crossword puzzle (without cheating).
I moved to London and then shortly after that I moved back to New York City .
I tried my hand at poetry, dancing, photography, knitting, and firearms.
I dived into the Atlantic on Superbowl Sunday.
I finally took a trip somewhere other than North America and Europe—to Africa (although it was via Europe). I also fit in a trip to the West Coast to see the sun set over the Pacific after seeing the sunrise in New York City—on the same day.
I reached out to various family members and put some considerable work into my family tree. This will be an ongoing project as my family is enormous—come on I have 7 siblings.
I drank wine, ate pie, had a fancy drink, and tried kangaroo meat.
I snowboarded, paddle-boarded, went to a professional football game and finally visited the Baseball Hall of Fame.
I went on dates.
I volunteered.
I blogged all about it.
I unfortunately did not kiss Justin. But hey, I girl’s gotta dream.
What was my favorite? Probably skydiving over the southern coast of Portugal—on my last day as a 29-year old.
Will I do a 40 Before 40? God, I don’t even want to think about 40. But maybe when I turn 39, I’ll liven things up by coming up with 40 things to do before that happens—that is if I’m not running around raising a bunch of rugrats. We’ll see…
30. Bring it.
P.S. Mikmik, you have now officially joined the rest of us.